It was a regular party and he was booked to be a celebrity host amongst other people. And to the reader that said he was at a gay party…PLEASE get your facts right. They always want to portray someone as gay who isn’t. For the last time he is NOT GAY! That’s just a stupid rumor that a bored blogger decided to make up. Linda: Look, I’ve known Keston for too long for me to sit around have you all tarnish his name. So please give a YOUNG BLACK MAN his props and don’t make false idiotic rumors to break our kind down. He’s such a hard worker and truly the kind of man that once you get to know you would fall head over heels in love with his personality. DONT DO THAT TO YOUR OWN KIND! Keston is such a beautiful person inside and out and I know that he doesn’t deserve this.Accept it for what it is.

He’s on his grind and it’s always somebody trying to hold young black men down. They always want to portray someone as gay who isn’t.Just leave the man alone.

Keston, keep doing you because you're doing it quite well -) Thank you! Can we please just appreciate this fine piece of man?! I know it seems like all the extra good looking brothas are up to no good in one way or another, but ladies let's have a little faith!!!